7. Piper longum

English name: Indian long pepper
Kannada name: Pipili
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: longum

Taxonomic description:
      It is an aromatic climber. Leaves are dark in colour, ovate or heart shaped, they are about 2 to 3 inches in length. Flower during rainy season, male and female flowers both are borne on different plants. Fruits are ovoid in shape , orange and yellowish in colour, and they grow in early winters, drupes are about 1 inch in diameter.Once when ripened, spikes turn red in colour. Perrineal woody root.
¯ The herb is mixed with honey to control Hiccups.
¯ It is used as a sedative in Insomnia and Epilepsy
¯ Decoction of Pippali works effective in dealing with Sciatica and Hemiplegia.
¯ Relives Headache.
¯ Helps to overcome Vitamin B1 deficiency.
¯ Fever
¯ Stroke
¯ Some women take Pippali (Long pepper) after Delivery along with some other herbs so that the uterus retains its normal size.
¯ Women also use it to treat menstrual cramps, Infertility and Libido.

8. Memecylon malabaricum

English name: Iron wood
Kannada name: Dodda nekkare / Olle kodi
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Memecylon
Species: malabaricum

Taxonomic description:

Trees up to 15 m tall.  Leaves opposite, ovate-oblong, up to 10 x 5 cm, semi amplexicaul or subcordate at base, acute or subobtuse at apex. Flowers in subsessile clusters, purplish blue. Calyx campanulate above the ovary. Corolla lobes 4, suborbicular. Stamens 8; anthers opening by slits; connective ending in a spur. Ovary 1-celled. Berries spherical, up to 6 mm across, crowned by the calyx limbs, blackish. Seed solitary.


It is reported that Memecylon malabaricum is highly effective for the treatment of bacterial infections, inflamation,Skin diseases and the methanolic extract of its leaves decreases the raised blood glucose level.